At this moment, you are at your best, you're on the cusp of adulthood, with big dreams and nothing to prevent you from achieving them. The adventure of your life awaits. You are unique, creative and brimming with potential. This is the moment you'll want to remember. Your professional senior portraits will remind you, in years to come, of who you are right now - the hope and excitement of this special milestone in your life, the unique style that defines you. You're unforgettable, and with my help, this pivotal time in your life will be too.
At that time, you'll be invoiced for a portion of your session fee ($250). The remaining $200 will be paid on the day of the shoot directly to my makeup artist. I will guide you as to how to get the most out of your session via consult and physical guides. You can start getting inspired with clothing and location ideas. I love new locations!
First, we'll meet for hair/makeup with my amazing stylist! He does great camera ready work, has years of experience and simply rocks pre- session prep! After that, we will head to our decided location to shoot. Photo sessions range from 1-2hrs. And I typically 2hrs before sunset. I will shoot from lots of different perspectives, there can be up to 3-4 outfit changes and I'll take lots of images. We will easily get anything you need for RUSH - plus lots more! If we have time, At the end of the session, you'll feel like an exhausted model, we will wrap and book your Premiere Order Appointment.
About 2wks after your shoot, we will meet for your BIG REVEAL at your Premiere Order Appointment at my office. All decision makers need to be present as you'll be placing your final order. I've got collections that fit every need and budget, and at this meeting you can touch and feel sample products. After your order is placed and payment is made, your products will be ready in about 3-5wks. They will be timeless, beautiful and YOU!