A few of my favorites & a contest!! – {dallas child photographer}

UPDATE as of 1/19/11 – tight race with #9, 11, 12, 13 & 14.  Keep up the voting you have until 1/31.  Please remember – only 2 votes per person – in other words I’ll only count 2 unique IP addresses for each vote.

I gotta say – I had a great time last year and seriously loved each and every session that I had.  Today, I wanted to do a “top 10 of 2010” by pulling out some of my personal favorites.  Now that is actually really hard to do b/c there really is something special about every single session that I have.  Initially I was going to do 10 images – but couldn’t narrow it down.  So I stopped at 14 – since today’s the 14th.  Nice logic right?

At any rate – I thought it might be fun to bring back the contest we did last year and have a little comment competition!!  So the image that receives the MOST comments WINS!  I’m feeling so good about 2011 that I wanted to make sure to give the winner a GREAT prize!!

WINNER… Gets a 12×18 mounted print of this image & a $100 print credit towards their next session in 2011!

2nd place…Gets a $75 print credit towards their next 2011 session!

3rd place… Gets a $50 print credit towards their next 2011 session!

How do you play?  Just comment away below these images.  Share this post with your friends, family, post on facebook, tweet about it – however you want to get the votes out.  To be fair this time around – please no more than 2 different comments per person.  Please don’t create ‘fake’ names off the same email address to get more comments in.  Just spread the word and have your friends and family vote!

Contest ends at 12m on Jan31st.  Winners will be announced on 2/1/11.

Super excited about this contest and each of these images – I can’t wait to see what you all think!

Dallas Family Photography

PS…please don’t be sad if your photo is not on here.  It only means that you already purchased one of my favorites for your wall!;)

For more from a few of these previously blogged sessions click on… ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE, TEN, ELEVEN, TWELVE, THIRTEEN, FOURTEEN

  1. Jane Lanshe says:

    #12!!!! What great eyes!!!!!!

  2. Tina says:

    I love #13 – the photo and the girl!!!

  3. Haley says:

    I love #1 – mom and son – too cute!

  4. tami says:


  5. ana says:

    # 12 is so adorable!!! Beautiful blue eyes!

  6. Amy Lucy says:

    These are all so gorgeous, Jenny, but I’m going to pick #10!!

  7. Margaret Danielson says:

    John Beck (#11)gets my vote! Precious!!

  8. kesh says:

    my lucky number is my favorite….. # 13

  9. Leah says:

    12 is just precious

  10. Crystal O'Leary says:

    I love number 13! Beautiful all around!

  11. Stacey Schacter says:

    # 12 is the cutest. I have to agree with my wife and daughter to stay in their good graces.

  12. Brianna Schacter says:

    # 12 for sure. He is a beautiful baby 🙂

  13. Susan Schacter says:

    number 12 is adorable. look at those bright blue eyes. He is the winner in my mind.

  14. Sharon Marsden says:

    #12 What beautiful blue eyes – definitely a winner

  15. Petra Kagi says:

    #12 – he is a cutie – love the picture

  16. Jess says:

    #13 takes the cake

  17. Kelly Pfizenmayer says:

    #14 – My favorite! I love the richness of color that comes through the photo!

  18. Kelly Pfizenmayer says:

    #14 – Love this photo! The kids are just adorable!

  19. Sarah says:

    #12…beautiful eyes!

  20. Russ says:

    Number 12 is so precious with beautiful blue eyes

  21. Elizabeth LeFlore says:

    I love Photo 13- great colors, location, angle, and beautiful girl!

  22. Steve Powell says:

    #9 most definitely

  23. Devin Powell says:

    #9 is the coolest!

  24. Michelle Powell says:

    There is no other choice other than #9. He is simply adorable.

  25. Maribeth Schwartzhoff says:

    #9 is my favorite!! He is the cutest thing with those big brown eyes!

  26. Brian Morrison says:

    #6 for sure!

  27. Betsy Hasty says:

    #12 is my vote

  28. John says:

    I’m going with #12, he is up to mischief

  29. Katie Bonkowski says:

    #9, jack is too too cute!! my fave 🙂

  30. Sara says:

    LOVE #12! Those blue eyes are beautiful!

  31. Patty Luadzers says:

    My vote is for #12 – the eyes do it for me.

  32. Martha says:

    Number 12 is my favorite!!

  33. Sandra says:

    Love # 12. Look at those beautiful blue eyes!

  34. Karen Mentz says:

    #12 is a winner and is as cute as a button!

  35. Megan says:

    Love #14!

  36. Karen says:

    Definitely #12 with those beautiful blue eyes!

  37. Cris Travis says:

    I’m going with #11!!!!

  38. Josie says:

    #12 Peek-a-boo

  39. Bill says:

    Love #9

  40. Emily says:

    #9 is such a cutie!

  41. ally says:

    my little monkey #9

  42. Cristin Caulfield says:

    #11 Go John Beck Go!!!!

  43. Adam says:

    My cousins are the best…number 12!!

  44. Gary says:

    # 12 is the man!!

  45. Amanda says:


  46. Lucie says:

    #9 gets my vote 🙂 Such a handsome little man!

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