It’s all in the family…

Seriously – could last night have been any more fun??  Photographing these CUTE KIDDOS, at SUNSET and at their family’s NURSERY – it couldn’t have been a more perfect mix!  Now if only I had more time with each of them!

Meet Jake (almost 9) & Caroline (almost 6).  Caroline – who was shy at first (and I mean maybe for 45 seconds), quickly had me convinced that she was a super model in her former life!  Big brother Jake …WOW what a heart breaker!  Also a bit reserved at first,  he quickly jumped alive in front of the camera.  He took me all over the nursery so we could discover an ‘awesome location’…he was so right.  THANK YOU JAKE!

“B” family – I hope you enjoy the preview – there are a few more on here than I typically post because I simply couldn’t narrow it down anymore.  More to come!!!

OH – don’t you just love the collegiate spirit in these 2?  Check out the last image…BOOOOOOOMMER —- SOOOOOOOONNNER!

Feel free to leave them some Blog LUV…. 🙂

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  1. […] Thank you NAPCP for featuring me in this month’s session share!  You can check out their full write up here and the full session on my blog here. […]

  2. Jim and Shirley says:

    Jenny, some of the sweetest little pictures I’ve ever seen. Wish I had some of you when you were little just like these.

  3. Nana B says:

    They look awesome. How can you choose only a few. I may be a little predjudice but those two precious ones are just brought to life. Their personalities just shine.

  4. Kay Miller/Granny says:

    These are so Awesome-You captured the true beauty of these wonderful little ones we Love so much. Thank You

  5. Tracy Berez says:

    Those are the most precious pictures of Jake and Caroline! They are obviously beautiful subjects, but the photography is incredible too!

  6. Tiffani says:

    Thank you so much!!!! These are beautiful pictures of our sweet kids. You are amazing! I can not wait to see them all! You make me happy!!!

    • Jenny says:

      Thanks so much Tiffani!! Sorting through all of your images this week – great stuff in here! So glad we were able to get all that we did! Looking forward to sharing the rest of them with you!

  7. omgosh! I want a session in a nursery! love the location so much … beautiful light and great textures. you captured them beautifully!

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