It’s been busy around here…

I don’t often take the time to share much of my personal life on here mainly because this blog is for YOU … my clients…so that I can show off your wonderful kids!  But every once in a while – I gotta throw out a zinger of a personal share… (now maybe you’ll know why I’ve been a bit MIA on my blog for the past few weeks).

It’s been busy around here…to say the least.  With the 105 degree temps, early morning and late evening sessions and sporadic summer travel – it’s making it challenging to really sit back, relax and enjoy the SECOND TRIMESTER of our PREGNANCY!!! 🙂  Yep – you read it right.  We are PREGNANT and due in January of 2013!!!  I know – I can’t even believe it myself.  Seeing those words typed out just seems – well – surreal.  After quite a long deliberation period Angela and I finally decided to seize the moment and with the assistance of the wonderful California Cryobank and our amazing fertility doc – thankfully I got pregnant the first time around (and I can’t tell you how lucky I feel for that)!   As of this week – we are 16wks along and I’m fortunate to say – I’ve been feeling great.  A bit like a zombie sometimes but other than that – really great.

We are so so happy and thrilled – yet I’d be lying if I didn’t say we were a bit anxious and freaked out as well.  I’m sure all first time parents go through those same feelings – and like most everyone else – we just really want to make sure to try and raise the best kid possible…healthy, smart, talented, driven, sweet, adorable and the list goes on  – no pressure right!?! Teasing of course,  but oh goodness please don’t let us mess this little person up.

For those interested – I will NOT be posting daily belly pics or anything of the such on FB – I will however find a nice little home for stuff like that – on this blog.  So you can visit it when you’d like to.  Here is the link for that….

For all of my current and future clients – I just wanted to thank you in advance for your support through the next few months.  You might not see me rolling around on the ground as much with your kiddos – but I assure you I will be 100% present at your session.

If things continue to go as smoothly as they have already  … My current work plan is to shoot up until 11.30.12  – have all holiday cards out and done by 12.11.12.  I will be limiting myself to 3 sessions a week – morning or evening only.   So if you haven’t booked your session yet – you might want to go ahead and contact me as things are starting to fill up.   Here is what I currently have left….

  • August – 2 sessions left
  • September – 9 sessions left
  • October – 10 sessions left
  • November – 7 sessions left

December I will only take a few HS senior sessions (no holiday card sessions).  The above sessions I’m hoping to reserve for family / child / senior sessions – I will not be taking any newborn sessions and I’ve run into some back difficulties (not related to the pregnancy) which make them hard for me to shoot.

I’ll be taking Jan, Feb and the first part of March off  and the current plan is to resume shooting in a limited level in mid March 2012.

That’s about it on the work front – just wanted to make you all aware of the GREAT news and the schedule for this Fall.  Can’t wait to see you all in the upcoming weeks!

Thanks everyone!!!




  1. Congrats pretty girl, that is so exciting. Can’t wait to see belly pics and see that sweet baby!

  2. Charlie Henderson says:

    Congrats on the news!!!! I’m so happy for you and Angela and wish you both the best. “)

  3. jules says:

    omgosh … I’m so excited for you two! what wonderful news! you are so blessed to have it take the first time. hope the rest of your pregnancy goes easily! xo

  4. Nicki says:

    Happy to see this post!! You and Angela are going to be awesome parents. What a lucky baby who I can’t wait to snuggle!

  5. Congratulations! So happy for you!

  6. Jamie says:

    Yeah! Yeah!! Yeah!!!!

  7. Val Spring says:

    Congratulations, Jenny! Such awesome happy news!!! xoxo

  8. wendy says:

    Yay! So glad it went so smoothly for you and that you’re feeling good. I’m so excited for you both!

  9. Diane Stacy says:

    Oh wow! So excited for you both. That’s going to be one lucky baby. Wishing you the best and remember, I’m an experienced grandmother.

  10. Cecilia M. says:

    Congratulations, Jenny! Wishing your family all the best on this new adventure into parenthood!

  11. Sophie says:

    Congratulations to you and your family!! Lovin’ the teeny tiny shoes. 🙂

  12. Sara T says:

    I am so so happy for you! That is THE best news I have heard all day. Congrats!

  13. Dorian says:

    So happy for you both and proud you are taking your schedule a little easier in the Fall – good girl!!! Hope to see you both and the belly soon 🙂

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