I’m working on being more aware of what ‘moves me’ in life. This morning something moved me & so I thought I’d share…
Heard of “blog stalking’? Well myself & many other photogs get sucked into that sometimes. It starts out as curiosity & search for creative inspiration – but can turn into a vicious cycle where we continue to compare ourselves too other amazing artists & end up feeling worse about our current artistic level. Fun right? In 2011 – I’ve resolved to stalk less & strive for ‘more’ in my own business. That being said – I’ve removed quite a few photog blogs from my RSS feed & many bookmarks. I miss it but I just had to do it. However, there were a few that I simply couldn’t part with – and this girl is one of them! Tara Whitney
I know you are probably thinking – why am I posting rave reviews about another photographer? Well – simply b/c her images speak to me – & I hope they can speak to you as well. They say things like.. ‘real’, ‘honest’, ‘gritty’, ‘graceful’, ‘life’, ‘true’, ‘in the moment’, ‘raw emotion’, ‘love’, ‘loss’ – and so many more things! I’m in constantly impressed with her genuine honest approach with each of her families. I see her images and I feel like I know them (or I want to know them). She truly bottles up a moment in time (or even dozens of them) for her clients.
I’ve never met Tara. I’ve never even spoken to her (not on FB, email or any forum – shocking actually). In fact – she may never know I even shared this with you all (eek – hope she’s ok with it). I just love her work & I wanted to share her talent & specifically this session with you.
What I love even more than the images of this beautiful bohemian family, are the words that the mom, Alicia, had to say about their experience on her AMAZING blog. In case you didn’t click thru – let me share a bit from her blog post with you…
“… I started a life list not so long ago and one of the things on this list was to have our family in front of Tara’s lens. When it looked like we would be finishing out the working season in CA, I contacted her to make this happen. I was a super determined girl at this point and even told Dan that I would need nothing for Christmas if he would give me this.”
“when she sent me the link to our photos I tweeted this “Sitting in the parking lot bumming wifi to watch our slideshow from tara whitney. This mama heart is weeping.” and a few moments later this “I wish I could buy each one of you a session with her. There is no price tag on what she gave to me, to us.”
“Dan is laid off right now. Our Christmas will be small and simple. But we will have this night forever.”
Alicia – if you’re out there reading this…I’m confident this day with Tara put a BIG HAPPY CHECK mark on your life list. What a beautiful family you have & what a day to have bottled up for you forever!
Tara – thank you for the constant ‘inspiration’ & beautiful honesty that you approach your craft with. I love the way everyday life looks through your lens! You have made me want to bring more ‘life’ & honesty into mine.
Anyone out there reading this…please take a minute to relax & enjoy life…. (click here or on the image above to read her full post)
Until next time…
I vote for #12
[…] reading my post the other day on Tara Whitney you might remember that I’m streamlining who and what I follow online. So to start fresh […]
Jenny, I’m a huge Tara fan too. She is just so honest and raw and real. I loved this post. I hope she makes it over here to read your sweet words. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful…You are amazing as well!
Such beautiful words, Jenny! Tara is definitely inspirational and so are you!
Oh Jenny, I love this post and when I say love I mean LOVE!!!!! Everything that you mentioned in those first couples sentences ring so true to me, thank you for saying them! I saw Tara’s post yesterday and I too follow her religiously, yesterdays post of this family was so beautiful that I could not put into words how it made me feel and then I instantly clicked over to the blog from the mom of this family and read her words…WOW, my eyes instantly filled with tears! Thanks Jenny, for this post!
Awe thanks Jobrina! So glad you enjoyed it. You know times when you just feel like you wanna talk about something – well this morning was one of those times and I hope I didn’t bore too many people with my words. THANK YOU!