9 months & growing fast! – {dallas baby photographer}

WOW how much little ones grow in just 9 short months!  I’ve photographed Mr Patrick since he was just days fresh!  Such a sweet little guy.  We really wanted some smiles out of him (which we did successfully get a few mom), but for the most part he wanted to bite on his little lower lip (which I think is adorable!).

Here is his most famous look for me…

Here are some of the few smiles we were able to sneak out….

And here is the last shot of the day – he refused to show us any more of the bottom half of his face.  Even at 9m old he knows how to hide from me.

OH and you might remember him from this 6 month session or this 3m session !

“J” thanks for being so patient with the sneak peek – the gallery is not far behind!

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  1. […] you grow from when I first met you at newborn.  To see his growth for yourself check out his 6m, 9m and 1yr […]

  2. EMILY JANIS says:

    #12 is just amazing…. those piercing blue eyes!! What a handsome guy!

  3. Michael Blome says:

    Who couldn’t love a shot like these. This is everyone’s dream shots.

  4. Valerie Stodden says:

    Mr. Patrick, may be Picture #12, but those big blue eyes make him Dude #1 for me!


  5. sheilajoycastelein says:

    This was a very tough call but I really liked the pose for number 12. He looks like he is thinking “big thoughts” (maybe, wondering where those big “B’s” are?) I vote #12. Sheila Joy Castelein

  6. Martha says:

    When this guy grows up, he’s gonna break hearts!

  7. Jessica says:

    I love them all as always! I cannot wait to see the rest! Thanks, Jenny!

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