Twice the fun = twice the post! :)

When you have the chance to photograph TWINS you gotta give them double the blog love.  “F” family – I hope you enjoy the ‘double issue’ 🙂

As many of you know, this Texas heat can make outside photo shoots quite a challenge.  But I gotta tell ya, photographing these 2 boys was well worth it and it actually almost made me forget about the 98 degree weather…almost.   Really this experience was more like playtime for me.  These boys were so fun and so very different, they truly did make my Saturday (I was even kind of sad after leaving them, really).

Cole & Rhys.  A pair full of of giggles, discovery, thoughtfulness, brotherly love and PERSONALITY!

Meet Cole…he’s total boy!  He loves bug collecting, asking interesting questions, swinging from monkey bars, chocolate ice cream and lovin’ on his brother…as long as Rhys isn’t huggin’ on him. 🙂

Meet Rhys (pronounced Reese) … LOVES his Mama and has a huge heart!  He has the sweetest voice ever and has a fondness of butterflies.  He would choose art over sports any day.  Oh and he loves himself some Cole!  Could hug on him all day!

Just fell in love with these boys personalities and their EYES!

“F” family I hope you enjoy and I look forward to showing you the rest!

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  1. Melissa says:

    Oh, Jenny, these are so beautiful!!! Thank you!

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